Monday, May 3, 2010


So here I sit before my formiddable computer screen, wondering where to start. So much has happened in the last 6 months of my life and all of it seems to be trying to fit into one enormous breath of emotion in this very moment. To get you up to date, in the last 6 months I have...
  • Gotten engaged to the most wonderful man I've ever met
  • Performed my first supporting role in a professional musical production
  • Been invited to dance with the NYC Rockettes at Radio City for 1 week in July
  • Bought my first apartment with my fiance, Clarke
  • Lost my job at Music and Arts because they couldn't wait for me to move anyway

And most recently (and the driving force behind this blog)

  • Been diagnosed with Endometriosis, HPV, and subsequently Stage 1 Cervical Cancer

It is all this and many more small things that have me sitting here at the the edge of my next adventure and foray into the unknown. It is here that I hope to be able to share with you my journey to wife, Rockette, and cancer being a better, stronger, more humble woman than I am now.

The most recent news begins with the scheduling of my first major procedure to fight this Endometriosis (here on known as 'endo'...I decline to give this incurable disease the respect of it's complete moniker) is a laproscopy I have been laboring to get on the calendar for over a week. Due to God's abundant grace, this procedure has been scheduled for this friday, May 7th at 8 am at St. Jospeh's Hospital. If it had not been for His hand in all this I would have been waiting close to 4 months to have this procedure which would have been close to unbearable. I am currently on over 1000mg of painkillers every day and am rather like a zombie due to this. This procedure will actually entail going in through 3 incisions in my abdomen around my belly-button and using a camera to view the scope of this disease's damage and also to laser away as much of it as possible and possibly remove some of the cysts on my ovaries that have been causing me so much pain. This may very well significantly lessen my dependence on painkillers and allow me to regain much of my pre-illness energy! So friday's the big day....fingers crossed. Clarke and Mom and Grandma will all be at my surgery and at home to help me get through the days afterward which will be difficult, as any recovery from abdominal surgery tends to be.

Tomorrow is a day filled with pre-op testing at the hospital and the on to my OBGYN to get things squared away before surgery friday.

As nervous as I am, it will be a special treat to see my hunny this weekend...the closer our wedding day gets, the longer the days apart seem to be.

Alright, enough for one night...there will be much more I promise you that. Life like mine never seems to get dull! Til the next time and the next leg of the Adventure...

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